Elim Christian Centre is the proprietor of Elim Christian College
Elim Christian Centre was founded in 1985 and the establishment of a Christian school for children of the church was part of the original vision. The school was established on the site in 1995 and integrated into the state school system in 1997.
The proprietor is the owner of the land and buildings that constitute the school. The proprietor has a particular responsibility to preserve and safeguard the special character of the school. The special character is terminology that is embedded in our integration agreement with the government. The special character of the school is determined by the faith system made up of the Christian beliefs, values, and lifestyle of the Elim church.
The school is a caring community built on Christian beliefs that permeate all aspects of school life. These beliefs recognise God’s purposes as revealed in the Scriptures and in the risen Lord Jesus Christ. They are dynamic and determine the purpose and content of the curriculum in a changing community. These beliefs encompass all aspects of the school and permeate the mind and heart of each member of the school community.
Elim Christian College as a Christian school has been established to provide for the educational needs of Elim Christian Centre families and families with a connection to similar churches and to present the message of the gospel to children and the community within the context of biblical truth and practice as recognised by adherents of the Evangelical Christian faith. The same biblical truth practice encourages a mission perspective.
Parents and students are expected to support the special character of the school. It is expected that all staff members and members of the Board of Trustees will demonstrate an unqualified commitment to the school’s special character.
To find out more about Elim Christian Centre, please visit: http://www.elimchristiancentre.org.nz