ARISE Parents

ARISE Parents, the parent community at Elim Christian College want to meet YOU!

Our vision is to support the school through prayer and practical support to families in need, we also provide opportunities for social connection with other Elim families.

Check out the Facebook page for parents of our school: “Elim Christian College ARISE Parents”, it is a great place to keep connected to the Elim School community and also assist with buying and selling second hand school uniform.

ARISE Prayer

You are invited to join with other parents/caregivers to pray for our students and school community.  A prayer leader facilitates half hour prayer specifically for school staff/students/families.

Botany Campus
Tuesdays at 8:40am in the cafeteria

Golflands Campus
Tuesdays at 2:30pm in the courtyard behind the staffroom
(Please sign in at office reception first)

All welcome!