Elim Music

“The space for studying music at school has helped foster and grow my passion for music, and has taught me so much practically about using my gifts and talents for God’s kingdom.”

“Music at Elim, both curricular and co-curricular, has encouraged me to work hard and achieve success, as well as given me new opportunities and helped me meet new people.”

Psalm 98:4 “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music!”

Curriculum Music

Junior Years Music: Year 0-6 students explore and investigate the world of music making by learning the fundamentals to reading and interpreting Music. Students focus on ensemble playing and learning the elements of Music.

Middle Years Music: Year 7-10 students are able to further their interest in Music by specialising in band instruments (acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, vocals). Students perform in small ensembles and as individuals, learn how to create and record music, and deepen their understanding of the fundamentals and context to a variety of musical styles and genres.

Senior NCEA Music: NCEA Music for Year 11-13 is designed to cater for musicians who aim to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of music and to discover their musical potential. To further develop their performance skills, it is a prerequisite that students are getting instrumental or vocal lessons either through the school instrumental and vocal programme, or privately. NCEA Music offers a wide variety of practical music making experiences and develops core skills and knowledge essential for further study.

Co-Curricular Music Groups

Our numerous classrooms and teaching studios are constantly alive with rehearsals, music lessons, and performances. Dedicated co-curricular programmes in Jazz, Rock, Choral, Chamber/Orchestral Music and Tech Crew cater for all ages and skill levels and encourage participation in a wide range of performances and competitions. Performance opportunities are numerous and varied, and include school concerts and ceremonies, open days for new students, regional and national competitions, local community events.

If the students are interested in joining these Music groups, sign-ups happen at the beginning of the school year, or they can talk to one of their Music teachers.

Performing Arts

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kbb music 6
music roadshow 1
music roadshow 2

For more videos, visit our Performing Arts Youtube Channel.

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition Programme

Our on-site Instrumental and Vocal Tuition Programme offers expertise and support from a team of 12 instrumental and vocal specialists. Our wide range of instruments on offer include:


  • Strings (violin, viola, cello and double bass)
  • Brass (trumpet and trombone)
  • Woodwinds (flute, clarinet and saxophones)
  • Guitar (acoustic, electric and bass)
  • Drums
  • Piano (classical and contemporary)
  • Voice (classical and contemporary)